Friday, 12 April 2013

Moleskin, Coffee and Ray Bans- Thats What I Call Getting An Education

A couple of weeks ago I had my first tutorial of the year, for those whose lives aren't ruled by the institution call university, a tutorial takes place in a more intimate setting of about 20 students unlike a lecture which usually consists of the entire cohort.

Anyway, as I walked into the classroom I noticed the chairs had all been place in a circle facing each other. Ice breaking activities are very popular in week one, it takes me back to primary school when the vulnerability of not knowing anyone yet being forced to speak made me want to vomit on my practical yet incredibly hideous velcro shoes.

What happened next proved I was no longer that insecure adolescent or that through hundreds of hours of classroom discussions with strangers I no longer cared or censored too much about what I said.

One by one the tutor asked us to say our name and what we choose to make public and what platform we use.

Jennifer Lung makes public her photos on Facebook, Tara Jackson makes public her opinion on Twitter as well as photos of her cat, Max on Tumblr. Alexandra Mayne doesn't think she is a very public person as she has a private Instagram account. And then it was my turn...

My name is Paige and I make public virtually every aspect of my life via a personal blog. The tutor (who is actually very cute) gave me a look like i had just given him permission to ask me if and how I maintain my pubic hair. Is this the type of blog you share with your friends and family? he asked me. God no, only with strangers I laughed. The class went quiet and Tara shot me a look like i'd just killed her cat. I didn't realise that this was such an absurd concept to some, especially since almost everyone is living in the public eye these days.

Remember that bitchy girl you accepted as a fb friend in year 11 just to get on her good side? She probably takes the piss with her friends when you post soppy lyrics as your status in a fleeting moment of weakness, not all of your "friends" are friends. Since I created a fb account when I was 16 I have accumulated 1825 "friends" yet I'd most definitely rather share my opinion here on this blog with people who voluntarily chose to engage in it than people who probably punched holes in my year book picture.

You are here because you've found a way to escape your reality, by taking a peak into mine. Ask yourself what is it that YOU make public? For some it will be their musings and for others it will be their inner most deepest thoughts...I know for a fact that there are also some people who read my blog who have made public their entire body online and while that may have its own set of consequences who are we to say thats right or wrong.

Fuck, university has made me wise. I strongly recommend it if not for the knowledge you will obtain but for the incredibly loose times you will have.

Anyway looking at my watch it says only one thing its FRIDAY. So I have to go and get ready for some hardcore shenanigans. Stay tuned for my post about Leading Seaman Physical Trainer D.H, this guy I've been seeing ;) Ohh don't you just loveee semen...*seamen.

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