Friday, 17 May 2013

The Eric Stonestreet Encounter Revealed

I was actually in a meeting for a group university assignment when I got this comment. A girl in my class was clearly making up a seriously boring story as to why she'd missed three of the group meetings due to family issues and other catastrophes, and here I was thinking to myself why do I spend so much money on a higher education when most of the time I am forced to do group assignments with belligerent teenage girls, who although are studying to be communication professionals could not string together a cohesive and engaging sentence if they tried? Look I'm not saying that I'm a literary genius in fact you'll find that my sentence structure is appalling, but there is one thing that I practice beyond all other methods of communication (thanks first year journalism subject for that term) and that is honesty. Even if the honest truth is boring is it always a hell of a lot more interesting and credible than some whimsical, fabricated story. 

The fact that you used the word prick in your question made me smile and subsequently end the meaningless conversation this girl was trying to have with me to write this very long reply. You will only ever find an honest opinion on this blog and extending from that my honest option of Eric (Cam from Modern Family) was that yeah, he was a bit of a prick. 

With his arm warped around a flight attendant he'd met during his time in Australia, Eric couldn't do so much as crack a smile as himself and his entourage took over the area where the Dirthouse Queens and I were sitting. In his defense he probably just wanted to escape to a hidden underground 1920s bar where he could wine and dine his posse in relative privacy but in doing so found himself wedged next to someone who isn't necessarily discreet when sober let along after a few glasses of bubbly. Im sure it would have been okay if Eric was anything like his fun, friendly character Cam in Modern Family but surprisingly he was far from it. By no means did I directly try to pester the poor man, from what I remember I was actually talking to the writer of modern family, Danny Zucker who was sitting directly across from him - to be honest being an incredible writer, Danny was of more interest to me than Eric anyway. Queen L was talking to the owner of a luxury car company who was driving them around that night and Lady B was apparently being informed by another member of the group that if we were to play our cards right we'd probably get an invitation back to their hotel. Obviously I didn't play my cards right because next thing I know Eric was walking away in a huff with the flight attendant in toe. For some reason everyone else stayed with us probably because we're fabulous and by this time Queen L was so pissed that the only expression she could manage was a lazy smile that with her glazed eyes resembled a creepy child was hilarious. The night turned into the mother of all fuck ups and to read more about that click here

Coming back to the topic of honesty, you will never ever catch me foregoing my honest opinion to make someone else happy. Regardless of whether you are the post man or a huge celebrity if I believe that something is not right, within means I will let you know that. The Dirthouse Queens informed me the next day that the reason why Eric left was because of me, because I made it clear that I wouldn't stand for someone (it doesn't matter who) taking over the area where we were sitting and then complain about the way we were behaving. I admit in my drunken state that I probably wouldn't have been very discreet about it but that the end of the day if you're at an establishment past 12am and popping a number bottles of Moet & Chandon low key is not exactly what you're going to get.

Anyway that was my brush with fame and scandal, time to go heat up a bowl of easy mac and do my communications strategies assignment. Thanks for the question Anon it was a little bit thrilling to relive that experience again while writing this during my Friday afternoon lecture. 

Have a fabulous weekend everyone x


  1. Thank you for this long and honest reply darling!I feel very special ;-) Honesty/Truth sets you free!Blogging is a good way of killing time during a boring class -been there,done that.My Eric Stonestreet bubble is officially burst (I didn`t even know there was one until you came along...)
    What about the Part II. with Mr. Gosling look alike??
    Keep up the good work Carrie Bradshaw! :-P

    p.s.: Moet&Chandon,not the other way around -I was lucky to spend a couple of months at the birth place of these fine babies (Mumm,Veuve Cliquot,Mercier,Moet&Chandon etc. -Champagne-Ardenne,France)

  2. Its totally lame but i'm thrilled that you just called me Carrie Bradshaw hahaha, I don't think there are enough people out there documenting about the gritty details of their lives. Sure I like looking at beautiful blogs about pretty things but sometimes I just prefer to get consumed in someone else's dramas and misfortunes.

    Mr. Gosling look a like part 2 is not up yet, but that story definitely deserves to be told!

    A couple of months at the birthplace of those bad boys would see me in a number of questionable situations, Where abouts do they originate from? I'm assuming some magnificent place in Europe. Thanks for letting me know :) just fixed it up then.


  3. They are mostly from Epernay or Reims,both are in Champagne-Ardenne county in France,not so far from Paris.Google map it!
