Firstly, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that it's taken me to the end of what was meant to be the first month of the transformation to write this.
People have been asking me about The Dirthouse Queen's Body Beautiful Challenge since I first promoted it at the end of August. Initially it seemed like an amazing idea, in fact I thought it was one of the best ideas I've ever had but bit by bit my marvellous plan started fall to pieces.
The idea was that four girls with four completely different body shapes/types (The DH Queens) would monitor their weight loss journeys over a period of three months (the amount of time until the Aussie summer). We would post each of our personalised regimes, have segments that featured personal trainers and nutritionists and at on the 1st of December we would all reveal to you the bikini bodies that we had been dreaming of.
So we actually did a photo shoot at the start of September but it was totally different to the idea in my head. I had envisioned champagne, all of us girls in robes having a laugh and then a few quick "before" pictures from several different angles.
However it actually went a little more like this...
"Fuck I hate my fucking stomach"
"Ew cottage cheese, get a close up of that shit"
"Wtf I'm too muscly I look like a man in those photos"
and on the contrary comments like these were also being flung around
"Are you serious? I'd rather your stomach than my flubber gut"
"At least your cottage cheese is on your ass where you can hide it...check this shit out."
"Muscly?? Are you fucking with me? You're a have no fat so instead of fat you've got pure muscle because if you didn't even have muscle you'd die and you wouldn't be standing here right now with us fat bitches."
As you can see it was a fucking nightmare...instead of feeling empowered the only thing we took away from that experience was a little bit more self hate.
What really happened was that it didn't get easier from there even when some of us started to lose significant amounts of weight. If this was some fabulous glossy magazine I would tell you that we all began this experiment with healthy, clean diets that consisted mostly of whole foods maybe with one cheeky cheat day every week but that wasn't the case. One of us was eating little to nothing because getting that perfect bikini body was more important than properly feeding her body. Another DH Queen was fuelling her body with not much more than coffee and fruit which resulted in massive weight lose at the beginning of the month but soon enough it trickled all back on.
The two of us who were actually eating clean a majority of the time and training really hard saw the least results and when you're working your ass off that can be incredibly disheartening.
We went from being four great friends and housemates to four women possessed who were competing against each other for no good reason at all.
So for the wellbeing of the girls in The Dirthouse I had to pull the plug on this experiment.
But that didn't mean that my goal to feel comfortable in a bikini before summer just went away.
I'm no expert on losing weight but I am a 20-something year old girl. I have tried many diets and failed soooo many times. I've beat myself up and put myself down too many times to even count. But ever so slowly I'm getting there because every time I fail I learn something thats going to help me in the future.
How about I let you in on a little secret...
Below is what was meant to be one of my before photos. It is the most flattering one Queen L took and as you can see I'm hiding my stomach...the part of my body which I dislike the most.
I have wanted to be 60kg since I was 17. And after a while, instead of being determined that I could do it...I had convinced myself that there was no way in the world that I could achieve this goal. I had given up too many times but now I feel like something has shifted in me and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make peace with my body.
That photo above was taken a month ago to this day. Already I've noticed a huge difference all because I shifted my perspective. Instead of completely focusing all of my time and energy into being 60kg...I got a job, started blogging more and stopped worrying about how much I exercised or what I ate.
And then last week as I noticed the weather starting to get significantly warmer I decided it was time to go bikini shopping. I'll admit when I did get into the change room with a few pairs of bikini's I wasn't exactly excited to try them on. Ever since I moved away from Noosa and put on a bit of weight it's always been a let down trying on a swim suit because I wasn't happy with what I saw in the mirror. It's sad because I grew up wearing nothing but colourful bikini's but since moving to the city I really neglected my body and put more effort into self hate rather than self love.
Anyway I decided to bite the bullet and try on a really lovely bright two piece (lately I've been wearing a one piece to hide my tummy) and I was actually really happy with what I saw in the mirror.
Long story short I bought two pairs and raced home to show the girls!!
Since getting a job I really haven't had time to think about my body let alone analyse it in the mirror, so when I went home and really looked at myself in a bikini for the first time in a month I was blown away by what I saw. My tummy looked leaner and tighter and I no longer felt as inclined to cover it up. I stepped on the scales to see if anything had changed and I was an astonishingly 3kg down from last month!
There is so much I want to say about this topic that it's kind of bewildering and I don't really want to piss you off by trying to put it into one blog post. As women we have the tendency to obsess, may it be about work or love or our bodies. I believe that I started to lose weight when I shifted my obsession away from looking good to writing a good blog and making a little bit more money. I gave myself enough time to prepare meals for the week but other than that I treated food as fuel to get me through the day. I'm not talking about shitty food either...I'm talking about seriously delicious whole foods!
Since putting on the bikini I haven't been able to take it off...I even wrote this blog post in them!
I'm not the only Dirthouse Queen who has noticed changes since we decided to bin the The Body Beautiful Challenge idea. In fact this whole thing has kind of become a blessing in disguise. Without the pressure of a three month period and having to post "before" shots on the internet we've all started working towards a bigger goal at our own pace.
So the moral of this story is that becoming comfortable and confident with your body is your own personal journey. Yes, you should use your friends for a little extra motivation perhaps to accompany you on your morning run or go to Zumba with you every Tuesday night but other than that you need to go it alone. Reaching your ideal weight or BMI is not a three month stint...its a gradual learning experience. You will fall off the will find yourself eating out the contents of your fridge on the night you allowed yourself to have one too many glasses of red but the most important thing is that you keep going. I always see these motivational quotes about committing yourself 100% and never looking back but its not as easy as that. There will be times when you manage to go a whole month without eating shit food or you'll exercise every day and you'll feel amazing and then you might have a bad week and instead of looking at how far you've actually come all you will be able to see is tim tam crumbs all over your sweater and the word guilty stuck in your mind. But please don't worry because this kind of behaviour is not only normal but it is part of the process!! Trust in the process...see the beautiful photo below which is my definition of "the process".
I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for me and my body...its been a very rocky ride up until now but thats what learning to love yourself is all about right?
Dirthouse Queen over and out. Xx