Sunday, 31 August 2014

Girl Crush: The Illustrious Nigella Lawson

When I was growing up I was never the first option to play the princess, being a natural brunette I always had to be the boy.

My envy of the girls with long blonde hair was soon forgotten when I was 14 and discovered someone far better than any golden haired princess...Nigella Lawson.

With her thick dark hair and smouldering features I loved pretending to be Nigella in the kitchen when no one was home.

To this day I am still guilty of coming home late at night, throwing my coat over a chair and imitating the way she glides effortlessly around the kitchen, licking and fondling everything in sight as if it's foreplay for the taste buds. And then I'll probably choke on a slice of cheese or Ms P will walk in and ask me whatever the fuck I'm doing whispering sweet nothings into the fridge.

Let's leave it to the expert shall we? Some of my all time favourite Nigella moments...

Caramel Croissant Pudding: Heels off, jewellery off and bourbon on the table, this is how you make caramel and exercise Nigella style.

Chocolate Pistachio Fudge: This Christmas I'm giving Nigella my heart...the way she pours condensed milk makes me want to cry.

And of course chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate: Nigella takes us through her repertoire of cooking chocolate all whilst dressed in a scant satin robe.

Has Nigella worked her magic and left you longing for something sweet and comforting? I thought so, click here for all of her recipes or click here for a waist friendly option: My Sugar Free Not-So-Naughty Chocolate Brownies.

Life's short, eat chocolate and act like a goddess even when you're just microwaving Easy Mac.


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Mr P.S

Mr P.S is one man that I certainly won't be Dragoning any time soon. Do explain you say...

Well, lately I have been the subject of something called chevaleresque as the gorgeous French designer at work calls it.

For the rest of us typical Australian boags chevaleresque means chivalry, still don’t understand what it is? 

Oh! That’s because it doesn’t exist anymore (thanks boys) 

Well it didn’t in my fickle little world until I met Mr R which subsequently triggered some sort of bizarre ripple effect in my personal life. 

As Mr R packed up shop and disappeared back to Costa Rica I was ready to settle into the Winter alone with my Target bear onesie, a minuscule hot water bottle (that doesn’t even cover one bum cheek) and enough cookies and cream Quest Bars to fuel an entire army. 

That was of course until I met Mr P.S completely by accident. 

Ohhh Mr P.S

Long story short Mr P.S and I met at a new bar in Double Bay called Casablanca.

We locked eyes from across the room (duh) and as he was leaving he slipped me a piece of paper.

which said:

Dear brunette with green eyes, 
Your friend looks angry, maybe you should get her something to eat? 
          P.S I’d love to see you again my number is ...

It was the best note and P.S I had ever received.

Since then he's put every man I've ever dated to shame by sending bunches of flowers, tickets and even organising a romantic escape to The Hunter Valley. 

I can't stay it's unpleasant dating someone who does everything in excess. I mean...

You can stay at a B&B or you can stay at Chateau Elan...

You can stop and grab something quick to eat or you can cosy in for a 3 course meal.

You can get the courtesy bus to a winery or you can get a private helicopter...

Provided it stays parked outside Peterson's Champagne House while you sample the extensive range of bubbly.

You can order in or you can have a 400 day grain fed, premium piece of meat and a bottle of wine chosen especially for the occasion..

You can be a skinny bitch and have the meal sans gravy or you can be a big fatty like me and drown the meat in a pool of sticky deliciousness. 

You can walk back to your room or you can have a buggy drive you straight to the front door of your villa.

You can watch TV or you can watch the sunset and think how the fuck did I get so lucky?

You can date a man who is too afraid to be romantic or you can have a man who never underestimates the importance of finer details...

Like rose petals on the bed.


I don't want to brag but I feel as those I've picked Mr P.S straight out of the Silver Screen. Whenever I'm on a date with him it feels like I'm in a movie.

I know that half of you reading this are currently making vomiting noises - but dammit! I just don't care. 

Chivalry/chevaleresque whatever you want to call it, does still exist. Clearly.

Let's see how long he can stay in character shall we, and pray to the heavens that it never falls to shit.

What are the odds do you think? Ok maybe don't answer that.

Just let me enjoy the beginning of this love story ;)


Sunday, 17 August 2014

How to Master the Delicate Art of Dragoning a Man

Like most things The Dragon Movement began in the executive suite of The Shangri-la one rainy weekend.

Four girls were recovering in a king sized bed. Three looked on as one girl mulled over her response to a very endearing text message she'd just receive from a super dickhead.

My friend Lena was sort of dating this guy who was notorious in Noosa for being a lady killer. Although he had lost most of his charm since high school there was still something about him that drew unsuspecting women in. Our girl was in the know but like any protective friends we were worried that eventually she'd give in and then...sting!

"What's he saying now?" I asked stroking Ms P's head.

She gigged before reading out the message loud and clear.

"What a fucking load of horse shit" Rita said bum in the air and hands covering her ears.

"I agree," I said

"He's just buttering you up." 

"It's nice but look it was sent at 4:31 am" Ms P added sympathising with little Lena bear.

"Most likely drunk and down to f*ck," I admitted

"What are you going to write back?"

We all brain stormed ideas out loud - everything from 'aw thanks babe, my night was good how was yours?' to a simple 'haha thanks' but nothing we thought of had enough of a kick. 

Finally Rita sat up in bed.

"Just send him an emoji" she said. 

"YES!" - Lena

"A thumbs up" - Ms P

"Nooo a thumbs down" - Me

"No I've got it, I've got it" Rita said taking Lena's phone and searching through the hand gestures.


Rita looked pleased with herself, I looked highly amused, Ms P shook her head and Lena looked like she was about to be sick.

In a matter of seconds he had read it and the three dots appeared - he was typing back faster than he had before.

"He's going to break it off with me," Lena said

"Not that I care." - oh but she did.

and then there in the suite a miracle occurred.

"YES!" Rita punched the air

Lena beamed with delight and I laughed now braiding Ms P's hair.

Lena started responding when Rita grabbed the phone from her hands.

"You can't write that Lena," Rita said.

"Can write what?" asked Ms P

"She was going to write: me too babe with an x at the end!"

"Ah you can't do that," I said.

"You've just gained the power, you can't give it back"

"Why not?" Lena questioned.

"Because you'll write that and then he won't reply again."

Rita agreed and so did Ms P.

"You need to up the ante my friend."

The Rules of Dragoning:

Who do you Dragon? Any man or woman who thinks they have texting power over you. Usually the person you like the most. Anyone who has ever forced you to hide your phone in a sock under your bed.

When do you Dragon? Whenever they initiate conversation purely for their own personal fulfilment e.g. booty call, ego stroke, boredom. 

Why should you Dragon them? Ladies, it's about time we took back the texting power. Let me show you why The Dragon works...

A picture says a thousand words, a Dragon says only one, power. - Anonymous

You'll find that unlike every other animal emoji the dragon comes in two forms: dragon head and full dragon body. Never pull out a full dragon body straight away, this is relationship suicide.

Example B: Bill hasn't called in weeks, I'm about to give up all hope when on a rainy Sunday he finally contacts me. Usually I would respond with something like, hey how are you? Out of spite and sadness I come to the conclusion that there is only one thing to do. Dragon him.

First I send a dragon head. He responds immediately with 'can I call you?' For someone who usually takes an hour to reply this is a good sign. After much consideration I decided to pull out the big guns and really make him work for it * Dragon Body * he starts typing instantly and it's obvious that The Dragon has worked its mythical magic and he wants me again.

It's up to you how far you take The Dragon. One of the advantages is that your subject doesn't even have to speak English to understand the language of The Dragon...

When and where you gonna be dragon is ultimately up to you. Just make sure you know your Dragon limits or it may get the best of you. See Dragon fail below...

Enough said.

Like many love games, Dragoning is a game of strategy. To take down your opponent may it be the charming town bicycle or the egotistical pro footballer you must have one thing backing you and that is confidence...and a few champagnes. Never get anxious and explain why you Dragoned your opponent just ride the wave and wait for him to respond or not respond either way, you and your crazy antics will be on his mind for the rest of the day.

When done right you can expect dinner or even an emoji proposal...

Now that you know the secret go forth and use The Dragon to claim back the power in your relationship.

Why has Dragoning worked for me and my girlfriends? It's simple.

For years the texting power has lied in the hands of the man while our phones remained switched off or turned on silent because we couldn't bare staring at a blank screen. 

Instead of giving them what they expect - little smileys or clever idioms we are hitting them with something so out of left field that they will think that we don't give a fuck if they text us or not. 

In fact there is so little care factor that we are prepared to jeopardise an entire relationship by sending a fleshy green head of a imaginary animal. 

Now thats the kind of confidence I want to see more of!

Time for a sleep.

Send all your Dragoning to - best Dragon wins something amazing ;)

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Fear of the Feed

If I didn’t have to check Facebook for work, I wouldn’t go on ever again.

I came to this conclusion just now.

Why? Because the goddamn thing is out to get me that’s why!

For some reason I always find the most uncomfortable stuff at the top of my feed. 

It’s never a picture of a mean girl I went to school with who got fat or pregnant or both, it’s always, ALWAYS something I don’t want to see.

At 6:30 am every day I jump on the Bok as my co-worker calls it to check for saucy lingerie updates on Maple HQ’s page, unfortunately there’s no direct route. To get there I always have to go to my personal home page first, which I personally f*cking hate.

Let me give you a few examples…

Today it was merely moments after I opened my eyes (which would have rather remained shut for another few minutes or hours) and jumped on that I was struck by a photo that made me so jealous I wanted to cry.

Ms B looking hot and tan riding little bike under the Eiffle Tower and under that was a whole album of their travels! 

But the absolute worst happened merely moments ago. Something so shocking it immediately compelled me to crush my empty coffee cup in my hand like in the movies.

I went on to post a picture of our latest style, which I love and was immediately eye raped with a sight I LOATH. 

A selfie of my ex and another GIRL.

What even the fuck is this Facebook you cruel mistress?!

If anyone has a secret IT code to further prevent this please post below and/or if you feel my pain and would like share your experience comment below also.

Until then I will continue to live in fear of my feed. 

Oh the internal struggles of being a 20 something in the 21st century.