Tuesday, 24 February 2015

MAN MUSINGS: Hot Dudes Reading

The Internet is a weird and wonderful place of which 50% is porn. Another 10% is also porn but not your traditional busty blonde meets well-endowed beef cake type.

Introducing 'Hot Dudes Reading'

 @hotdudesreading is an Instagram account with over 360K followers.

When Miss B tagged me in a post with love heart emoji eyes I knew I was about to be introduced to something revolutionary.

Real men commuting to work not mesmerised by their phones. So what are they doing if they aren’t tormenting some poor woman via text or scrolling through their ex girlfriends instagram account?

They’re reading…


If you didn’t feel a deep surge in your loins then you should. Men reading books is the new erotica for women. 

The only thing better than the photos are the captions created by an anonymous group of New Yorkers who I can only assume are a hilarious, witty, honest group of women. 

"Spotted this scruffy prince on his morning commute. Probably to sculpture class. I'm sure he's reading a collection of post-war Russian short stories, but really thinking of how he made love to his French girlfriend this morning and the gluten-free toast they shared."

"Check out this Brooklyn-bound boss' material. Maybe he's an aspiring actor/writer/producer/director/nudist looking for tips. Doesn't matter, I love a man getting in touch with his feminine side. When will he get in touch with mine? Just kidding #notthatkindofgirl

Ladies of the NYC underground you took the words right out of my mouth! 

There is not one dapper-gent-alone-in-a-café-reading-the-Sunday-paper that I don’t stop and gawk at on the way to brunch. There’s something so sophisticated and sexy about a man who can sit comfortably in his own company immersed in current affairs opposed to the cold digital world the majority of us choose to consume ourselves in. 

As for the men featured on @hotdudesreading Instagram...you're intelligent, you're real and although you'll probably never see this (because you're too busy reading Dickens) I'd just like to say...

Thank you for your 10% contribution to the internet...

I really, really appreciate it ;)

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